Infant and Child Sleep Consultations

Are You Exhausted from Sleepless Nights?

Is your little one struggling to sleep in their bassinet for long stretches? Are you finding that they only sleep longer when having a contact nap, leaving you feeling tethered and overwhelmed? Do you feel frustrated when your baby only takes naps lasting 20-30 minutes, making it nearly impossible to get anything done during the day?

You might also be dealing with the stress of your baby taking over an hour to fall asleep, only to wake up every 1-2 hours throughout the night. It can be disheartening to see your child restless and unsettled, while you feel the weight of exhaustion piling up.

You find yourself asking other moms, family members, friends,  your doctor or child’s pediatrician for advice on getting more sleep. Are you finding yourself on Instagram or Facebook watching reels, following baby sleep consultants and feeling more confused than ever due to the conflicting information out there.

You are likely feeling drained, emotionally and physically, as sleepless nights begin to take a toll on your well-being.

We know exactly what this feels likes – we were once in your shoes! What we also know is that it can get better and you don’t have to sleep train.

We can help you get more sleep without sleep training.

Sleep Struggles Can Be Overwhelming

Perhaps you notice your child waking frequently and you’re feeling frustrated that your family is stuck in a cycle of poor sleep. On the surface, everything may seem fine, but deep down, you worry that lack of sleep is affecting your child’s development and your family’s harmony. You wonder when you will ever get longer stretches of sleep.

Sleep challenges in toddlers and preschoolers can manifest in many ways, from temper tantrums to difficulties concentrating during the day. As a parent, you may feel a growing sense of anxiety about how these challenges impact your child’s mood and behavior.

Moreover, when sleepless nights become the norm, you might find it hard to connect with your child during the day. You wish to be fully present, but the fatigue can overshadow your patience and joy. You often wonder how other moms are managing as you never expected it to be this hard. You may also be feeling pressure to sleep train as everyone around you seems to insinuate you won’t get a full night’s sleep unless you sleep train. 

Thankfully, you don’t have to face these challenges alone. With our unique, holistic, family-centered, attachment informed, infant mental health focused approach – you can walk away with a plan to start to help your little one sleep longer stretches, perhaps even in their own room. When your baby sleeps better peace will be restored to the household. 

Sleep Issues Are Common for Families

Many parents feel isolated in their struggles with child sleep. It’s a widespread issue that can leave you feeling exhausted and unsure of where to turn. Sleep disruptions are normal in the first few years of a baby’s life (yes – that is right, years not months). Parents are sold the idea that baby sleep is linear when in fact it’s quite the opposite.

While some children naturally sleep well, others face difficulties due to a variety of factors. Environmental changes, gas, colic, feeding and latch issues, developmental milestones, and even parental anxiety can contribute to sleep challenges. Recognizing that you are not alone in this experience is the first step towards finding a solution. 

Understanding the Causes of Sleep Difficulties

Children may experience sleep problems for numerous reasons. Developmental stages, such as teething or transitioning to a new bed,  learning new skills and more can disrupt sleep patterns. Additionally, inconsistent bedtime routines or stress from changes in their environment, like starting daycare or moving homes, may contribute to sleepless nights.

Parenting dynamics also play a role; many parents may unknowingly reinforce patterns that lead to sleep disruptions. The fast-paced demands of modern life can make it challenging to establish consistent bedtime rituals, leaving families feeling frazzled.

Fortunately, our team of sleep consultants can help you identify the root causes of your child’s sleep challenges and create a personalized plan that aligns with your family’s values and needs.

And the best part – these services can be covered by extended health benefits under mental health coverage or occupational therapy coverage.

Sleep Consultations Can Help Restore Peace

If sleep struggles have become a part of your family life, you may wonder if consulting a sleep specialist can truly make a difference. The good news is that even if you’ve been navigating this for a while, our knowledgeable and experienced sleep consultants can provide the guidance and support you need.

During your consultation, you can openly share your concerns without fear of judgment. Your consultant will create a safe, supportive environment where you can express your worries and explore your child’s sleep habits. This compassionate approach helps you understand that seeking help is a positive step towards improving your family’s sleep.


What to Expect in Your Sleep Consultation

Before your appointment with a sleep consultant, we will ask you to fill out a  comprehensive sleep assessment intake detailing your child’s sleep patterns, routines, health history, feeding journey as well as complete three days of sleep logs and of course any specific concerns. This information is crucial to help us better understand your situation, rule out any of the red flags and tailor our approach to your family.

In your initial session, you’ll work with the sleep consultant to create a plan to support you in meeting your family’s sleep goals. If there are particular events that seem to have triggered your child’s sleep difficulties, sharing these insights will help us create a more effective plan. Unlike other sleep consultants out there we make no guarantees about your baby being able to sleep through the night. Your baby is a unique being after all, with their own temperament, needs, wants, preferences etc. 

While we will address the root causes of your child’s sleep issues, our focus will also be on practical solutions to foster better sleep habits. Together, we will explore gentle strategies that align with your parenting philosophy, allowing you to feel empowered in your approach.

Effective Methods for Better Sleep

Based on your family’s unique needs, we can incorporate various techniques into your sleep plan. For instance, many families benefit from establishing consistent bedtime routines that help signal to children that it’s time to wind down. This might include calming activities such as reading stories, dimming the lights, and engaging in gentle, soothing conversations. For other children, a more active start to the bedtime routine can be really helpful to wind down, as surprising as that sounds. 

We may also introduce methods rooted in attachment and developmental psychology principles to create a nurturing sleep environment. Our focus is on responsive, gentle strategies that promote security and trust, allowing your child to feel safe and relaxed during sleep. 

Throughout our journey together, you will gain practical tools for managing bedtime challenges, such as establishing clear sleep cues and adjusting daily rhythms to support better sleep.

You May Still Have Questions About Sleep Consultations…

It’s natural to feel hesitant about changing routines, but our approach focuses on gentle, responsive strategies that support your child’s emotional needs. Many parents find that, with the right guidance, their child responds positively and begins to embrace better sleep habits.
You don’t have to navigate sleep challenges alone. Many parents delay seeking support, thinking they should manage everything themselves. There’s no shame in asking for help—partnering with a consultant can empower you to find effective solutions.
Every family is different, and while some may see immediate improvements, others may need a bit more time to adjust. Our goal is to work together at a pace that feels comfortable for you and your child, ensuring long-term success in achieving restful nights.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards better sleep for your family, click the button below and schedule a consultation call with us or reach out by calling or texting us at 647-360-8440.

Let’s work together to create a customized plan that helps your child sleep soundly and supports your family’s well-being.